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Welcome to the Beetle Bros. Site

What's Here

  • Chances are, if you're on this site it's for Robot Arena 2. This PC game was rushed out the door in an unpolished state back in 2002, but despite its numerous flaws, it still has a strong cult following today as the only half-decent Battlebots-style robot combat game. We have in-depth technical information on the game, modding and strategy guides, and tons of downloadable extras, plus the ever-popular BBEANS tournament. If you can't find what you're looking for on here, you can probably find it on our host site, Gametechmods.

  • Arthrobotics is the name of Clickbeetle's real-life combat robotics team. Here you can find photos and videos of my two (admittedly short-lived) antweights.

  • Vanitas is the artist name Firebeetle uses for his music. He writes a variety of types but mostly techno and classical. If you've watched the BBEANS tournament videos, you are already familiar with some of his work.

About Us

"The Beetle Brothers" is the name that has sometimes been applied to brothers Clickbeetle and Firebeetle. Obviously, these are merely online handles; I am too cautious to wantonly throw out our real names where anybody on the internet can see them.

Clickbeetle manages this website and handles all of the recent Robot Arena 2 projects. You might think I would be a computer programmer or a game designer or something, but I'm actually studying to be an entomologist and enjoy photography and writing in my free time.

Firebeetle writes music, much of which I use as background music in my BBEANS tournament videos. He also created a large part of the content on the Robot Arena 2 Downloads page, but is no longer involved much in RA2, only turning out the occasional bot to enter in my tournaments. You might think he would be a musician, and in this case you would be right. He is currently studying music composition.

I am also Christian. This really has nothing to do with anything, but I feel like I should let it be known anyway. That way, I become a representative of Christians in general; for good or for ill, people will tend to judge Christianity similarly to how they judge me. It encourages me to be at my best. Perhaps I can, in some small way, help dispel the bad reputation Christians have these days as being ignorant, bigoted hypocrites who point fingers at people and tell them they're going to hell or that God hates them. (In fact, I would go so far as to say that those types of people are no true Christians, but rather more like Pharisees.)